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“saya sangat heran karena kabupaten ini sangat maju dari kabupaten-kabupaten pegunungan lainnya saya sangat senang melihatnya, dan mungkin tahun-tahun kedepan kabupaten pegunungan Bintang ini akan menjadi kota terindah dan aman dipapua” Oksibil,22 Juni 2010.lihat:


“We can be a purpose-driven church. We can be a seeker-sensitive church. We can be an emergent and creative church. We can be a justice-and-peace church. We can be a conservative Calvinist church. But if we fail to hear the Holy Spirit of the living God, then all our serving will be futile and fruitless,”


Kesatuan mempunyai kekuatan, melebihi kekuatan senjata nuklir.Perlawanan apapun dalam perjuangan kebenaran, keadilan, persamaan derajat, penghormatan terhadap hak-hak asasi manusia, mutlak harus bersatu. Ketika bersatu dan melawan pasti ada hasil.


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Kesatuan-Melebihi Kekuatan Senjata Nuklir

Kesatuan mempunyai kekuatan, melebihi kekuatan senjata nuklir. By. Pares L.Wenda.
Perlawanan apapun dalam perjuangan kebenaran, keadilan, persamaan derajat, penghormatan terhadap hak-hak asasi manusia, mutlak harus bersatu. Ketika bersatu dan melawan pasti ada hasil.

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Buku Presiden Baptis Dilarang



Rev Socrates Sofyan Yoman briefing UK Parliament: Today I bring the message from West Papua
Rev Socrates Sofyan Yoman briefing UK Parliament: Today I bring the message from West Papua
In the Year 2009 which then Socratez Sofyan Yoman Papua Baptist Church President awarded honorary degrees by the Society Lani in Wamena with the title “Dumma or Silo.” Dumma or Silo is a highest honors in the manner of the Lani. Receives award is an award that is not arbitrary, it is given because he judged by the elders clear customs because of partisanship, consistency in the struggle for justice, human dignity, equality through books, media, seminars at home and abroad . Since then until now chairman Socratez Sofyan Yoman Waiter Body Center of West Papuan Baptist Churches using first names with the word “Dumma”.
Dumma class with the word “Mahatma” given to Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Spiritual leaders and combatants of civilians in the context of the struggle of non-violence (non violence) on two well-known teachings of satyagraha and aimsa. Furthermore, this figure is known by the name of Mahatma Gandhi in India. Teachings of nonviolent resistance to the present worldwide and many Universities in the World is now open study programs about JUSTICE AND PEACE, or Peace and Conflict Resolution. Other awards as well as customary in South Africa given to Nelson Mandela as “Madibba ‘top persona and his fight against apartheid in that country.
So Dumma means protector, pengayom, giving comfort, giving instructions, the giver of food, to the community or in the language of the church people who feel oppressed, persecuted, killed, treated unfairly by anyone, in any way, with any stigma. Human values is important because it was a Dumma should be a helper, and protect it from any actions that seek to kill, destroy a human being from the earth.
Dumma Socratez Sofyan Yoman, president of Baptist Churches of Papua since becoming General Secretary of the Central The waiter Agency Fellowship of West Papuan Baptist Churches (BPP-PGBP) continued to talk loudly voiced prophetic voice loud and opposing all government policies are not pro-people, especially in Papua, including stigmatization of people of Papua by the Indonesian military is like a Separatist, Makar, OPM, GPL, GPK, and other inhumane stigma, no dignity, no elegance, and unethical to the people of Papua, which is considered violation of the laws prevailing in Indonesia over Papua.
Dumma often say all the basic rights of Papuans handcuffed, threatened, vilified, terrorized, murdered, violated, humiliated, along (itupulah diludai) then he will still speak consistently voiced prophetic voice with all the capacity and authority mandated by God through His people.
Another statement often said Dumma is mouths weapons could not finished the Papuan issue but Papua mouth can be as difficult as solving any problems in a dignified, humane, and sympathetic. One reason is the idea of dialogue. According to dialogue is the best way, way dignified, humane way, a very sympathetic way, elegant and win-win solution to solve all the problems in Papua. Therefore, to resolve the issue of Papua should sit together and talk through the way the Indonesian government dialogue on the one hand and the Papuan People on the other hand through its representatives. Almost every book written Dumma, this dialogue will continue to offer ideas. Dialogue is possible to do this time in Papua since seen a number of issues that never resolved the tip base.
Dr.Neles Tebay said the dialogue needs to be done when all the means or ways of problem solving are not able to resolve the problem. And dialogue is the solution in his book Dialogue Jakarta Papua.
Dumma also said that the church should be the last bastion of resistance of God’s people in Papua. Church must not be talk and talk  at the church pulpit, but the church must speak the prophetic voice, telling the truth to anyone who violates the fundamental rights of mankind. Church must not be silent, the church cannot shut up, and the church should not be dancing in the droplets of blood and tears of God’s people are oppressed, tortured, shackled by forces which they prisoners over their ancestral lands. Humans should not be killed, humiliated, treated unfairly by anyone, for any name.
Dr. Benny Giay also said that when handing over the position of Chairman of the Synod of the old Kingmi to himself, he said that the church must come together, leave a difference of doctrines, beliefs and united divide the oppressed people of God.
Therefore, since the reform rolling in Indonesia from 1997 until now, including in Papua. Together with other church leaders who continue to do protection Baptist church and a fight against the parties who interfere, undermine something  popular sovereignty in any way, with any stigma, on numerous occasions and forums at local, national and International President of West Papuan Baptist continue to voice their prophetic voice Papuan issues must be resolved in ways dignity dialogic rather than with the muzzle of the weapon.
Because the church that loud voice that the Baptist church since 2006 has been broken, terrorized, intimidated by groups that are not held accountable. And until the leaders of the church within the Baptist church instigated. Differences of opinion in the nature of democracy and adopted the baptismal church visits by some groups as an entry point in efforts to destroy God’s church is in Papua. Case 27 July 2007 at the Baptist Church BTN Kotaraja and March 19, 2010 is evidence of the conditions that created it. While this situation causes and perpetrators of God’s people clashed conditioning circumstances people laughed watching the two groups is conflict among them. This conflict is created and hope that with such conditions create or tarnish the good name of the church leaders. And until now this condition is still maintained. Which speaks of the prophetic church in Papua continue to experience conditions that are not much different from what experienced by Papua Baptist Church today.
Its main target is to try to overthrow the church leaders speak out, so they no longer speak when they do not trust people. A terror effort is not only happening at church. In the 1980s, for example, to kill Arnold Ap issues that developed at that time was the issue of women named Wati who thirst for blood, so people should not leave the house. Not long after the Papuans were served with the death of Papuan anthropologist Arnlod Ap. Theys Eluay homicides in 2001, which was developed before the issue is an issue that milling dracula in Jayapura. Not long after the people were surprised with the murder of Papuan nation’s great leaders.
Case in Timika, to kill Kelly Kuwalik, previously kept happening Conflict in Timika, Conflict it indication conducted by OPM or the method could also (a stranger) is considered one of the perpetrators Kelly Kwalik but after Kelly Kwalik was murdered not to long Timika was still happened again several times conflict. Case in Pucak Jaya main target is to find Goliath Tabuni or other OPM leader in the area but why victims continue to happen to innocent civilians? Did they become bait? Military justivication presence in that region then the civilians should be sacrificed? We look forward actions actually ready behind all the cases in the region? While police are still investigation until now? Who actually actors in the region! Seeing such conditions, Markus Haluk said of Puncak Jaya issue cannot be viewed as an ordinary criminal matter but must be viewed from all parts of the problems that occurred in Papua. Therefore the whole problem resolution efforts in Papua must be a comprehensive no partially.
Back to Dumma, recently summoned by the President of the Baptist Papua Papua Police were called and even threatened with a number of police force: B/792/VIII/2010 dated August 7, 2010. In a statement to the media Dumma Papua Star dated August 5, 2010. Incriminating statement assessed the TNI / police. But the facts of history, experience in each individual case of Papua and the existing evidence as well as control of the institution of TNI / Police on duty to protect all the Indonesian people, including people of Papua, judged still slow because of the conflict in that region since 2004, this condition The actual trigger call caustic comment that a vocal leader of this church to the TNI / police.
Papua Police attitude is, getting a response from the Legal Practitioners Kawer Gustaf and Observer legal Issues in Papua that “… Polda Papua too reactive to the Dumma statement also impressed Socrates Sofyan Yoman premature in doing legal process against the respective callings. “The invitation to the Police that if you want to see too reactive and legal processes will also be very premature,” he said … this legal practitioner, said the police as an institution advanced  people should be able to accept criticism with big hearts, let alone criticism posted to the police is a form of public trust to the police. “The police are not allergic to criticism, what Yoman pack because he is concerned with the people there, we all know that the shooting had occurred at the Peak is a long time, many troops there, so the question,” he explained. Kawer says also that, should the police use the right of reply through the media, instead of sending a letter calling on the community shortly Kawer says also that, should the police use the right of reply through the media, instead of sending a letter calling on the people who criticize the performance of Police, the article criticized Dumma Socrates Sofyan Yoman are conducted through the media. “Mr. Yoman not commit a crime, so police do not need to do the calling, he’s talking through the media, the police also have the right to respond through the media,” he advised. Now, if police had acted like this, feel free Kawer, all the criticism from the people who actually is common in this era of democracy can be regarded as something that violates the law, and anyone could be summoned by the police. “If beginikan bother, because the police did not want him in the criticism, “This situation shows every church leader who voiced prophetic voice as a form or control effort against all government policies and the TNI / police in Papua threatened chains. According to our observation is a terror effort but also become a target to disrupt the performance of church leaders in Papua. Supposed to be in the nature of democracy as it currently calls like this are not relevant to another. Gustav lKawar said legal practitioner inquires of Yoman is premature, because Yoman not a criminal or a person who is the target of the operation because he said his comments to the media, the Polda Papua counter should be also through the media rather than through a letter calling like that. That every child make a comment mediated nation, then all summoned by a letter from Police like this then we are inhibiting the function of public control of the institution of TNI / Police or the Government, because it shows that this condition professionalism of law enforcement in Papua questionable.
One church leader threatened, terrorized, then all the church leaders also threatened, the prophetic voice of space, spaces of democracy in the region is being shackled, the church tried silenced in ways like this. Church leaders have been threatened, terrorized, let alone ordinary people. SMS terror to Dr.Neles Tebay eg, also received a sloping issues concerning the condition of Papuan leaders, or a threat to himself this is done by parties who do not want church leaders prevent truth and justice according to task and calls the church.
Based on the theory of human need this condition indicates that overall Papua in a very unsafe condition for every good person or a non-native Papuans in Papua. In view of the theory of public space, conditions / climate created in the public sphere showing the people of Papua, Papua and Papuan leaders narrowed the space for them. Referring to the two theories is the condition in Papua have serious handling of the humanitarian threat. In other words Papua should get serious attention by all parties, whether the international community, national community and people of Papua, there needs to be continuously control every second of what is happening in Papua today. Nothing further.
Author, Expert Staff Agency Head Waiter The Fellowship of Baptist Churches of Papua
Pares L.Wenda

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