To the beloved
Baptist and All Members of Society Australia
recently we witnessed in the Indonesian national TV about the floods that hit in some States of Australia. We witnessed this situation is to make our hearts stirred. We are so sorry and continue to support and prayer to God; Father in Heaven for this condition is quickly restored.
We believe that the possibility of members of the Baptist also experienced this tragedy, and also to all the believers in Australia and the children of God from various church denominations in some states that experienced catastrophic flooding there and the Australian people in general. We are confident and believe that the God we believe in and worship together will stand up and help His children.
On behalf of the President and all members of the fellowship of Baptist churches in Papua, will always stand up and pray for the recovery of Australia from this flood disaster.
Kepada Yang terkasih
Anggota Baptist dan Seluruh Masyarkat Australia
Akhir-akhir ini kami menyaksikan di dalam TV Nasional Indonesia tentang bencana banjir yang melanda di beberapa Negara bagian Australia. Kami menyaksikan situasi ini sangat membuat hati kami tergugah. Kami ikut prihatin dan terus mendukung dalam doa kami kepada Alla Bapak di Sorga agar kondisi ini cepat dipulihkan kembali.
Kami percaya bahwa kemungkinan anggota Baptist juga mengalami musibah ini, dan juga kepada seluruh orang percaya di Australia dan anak-anak Allah dari berbagai denominasi gereja di beberapa Negara bagian yang mengalami bencana banjir di sana dan bangsa Australia secara umumnya. Kami yakin dan percaya bahwa Allah yang kita percaya dan sembah bersama akan berdiri dan menolong anak-anak-Nya.
Atas nama Presiden dan seluruh anggota persekutuan gereja-gereja Baptist Papua, akan selalu berdiri dan berdoa untuk pemulihan Australia dari bencana banjir ini.
Dumma Socratez Sofyan Yoman
General Secretary:Andreas Koogoya
Home � President Baptis Papua � The Australia Floods Disaster
The Australia Floods Disaster
Posted by yanduwone on 1/13/2011 11:54:00 AM // 0 comments
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