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Apa saja yang kita lakukan. Akan Dikenang dalam Sejarah.

Salam Papua

"wa wa wa wa wa"Welcome Yandu Daily News"


“saya sangat heran karena kabupaten ini sangat maju dari kabupaten-kabupaten pegunungan lainnya saya sangat senang melihatnya, dan mungkin tahun-tahun kedepan kabupaten pegunungan Bintang ini akan menjadi kota terindah dan aman dipapua” Oksibil,22 Juni 2010.lihat:


“We can be a purpose-driven church. We can be a seeker-sensitive church. We can be an emergent and creative church. We can be a justice-and-peace church. We can be a conservative Calvinist church. But if we fail to hear the Holy Spirit of the living God, then all our serving will be futile and fruitless,”


Kesatuan mempunyai kekuatan, melebihi kekuatan senjata nuklir.Perlawanan apapun dalam perjuangan kebenaran, keadilan, persamaan derajat, penghormatan terhadap hak-hak asasi manusia, mutlak harus bersatu. Ketika bersatu dan melawan pasti ada hasil.


"Hiduplah dalam alam kesadaran sejarah"
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Dapat merunutuhkan kekuatan Firaun, Tembok Yeriko, Tembok Berlin.


Save and bless us

Kesatuan-Melebihi Kekuatan Senjata Nuklir

Kesatuan mempunyai kekuatan, melebihi kekuatan senjata nuklir. By. Pares L.Wenda.
Perlawanan apapun dalam perjuangan kebenaran, keadilan, persamaan derajat, penghormatan terhadap hak-hak asasi manusia, mutlak harus bersatu. Ketika bersatu dan melawan pasti ada hasil.

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Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia
****Hiduplah dalam alam kesadaran sejarah.Sejarah adalah identitas dan jati diri suatu bangsa.******
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Demo Rakyat Papua [Jan,26-2011]

Buku Presiden Baptis Dilarang



In the year 2009, I travelled a lot for APBF. On Jan 6th 2009, Bonny and I went to Kolkata, India, to attend the Golden Jubilee Celebration of ABWU, there they had over 1500 sisters having a wonderful gathering. Afterward Bonny and I travelled around Northern India visiting member bodies. We had a wonderful trip. For many of them it was a first time to have a president and general secretary of APBF to visit them together.

- On Feb 6-9, we had our Executive Meeting at Jakarta, Indonesia. We had a wonderful time discussing the future of APBF. On March 26-28, BWAid held a roundtable conference at Bangkok. We shared about the relief work at Myanmar, and how to get the money into the country legally.

- On July 12, I was so happy that I was invited to attend the thanksgiving ceremony of Dr. Thawesak Mahachavaroj, who got a Honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Middle Baptist Theological Seminary, USA. The meeting was held at Bangkok, Thailand. On behalf of APBF, I brought greetings to him.

- Amsterdam 400 met at Amsterdam, Netherlands celebrating the 400 years of starting of the first Baptist church. Bonny and I attended the meeting from July 24 -26, 2009. From July 27- Aug 1, we went to Ede, Netherlands to attend the BWA annual gathering, in which we also had a meeting of delegates who had come from the Asia Pacific region.

- On September 16, Bonny and I had a meeting with the leaders of Myanmar Baptist Convention at Rangoon, Myanmar. We discussed about how we should spend the money of Asia Pacific Baptist Aid to help to rebuild after the cyclone. I also visited a church and a school at small village.

- APBF Mission Consultation was highlight of this year APBF program. Over 80 mission leaders met at Singapore with the support of Living Water of BWA. I also want to thank Singapore Baptist Convention who hosted this meeting. At the end of the meeting we had a memorial service for our late Dr. Lilian Lim.

- After the consultation, together with Bonny, Precy and Alan Smith (he flew into KL) we made a trip to Kuala Lumpur. With the help of John Kok we visited the venues of the up- coming APBF Conference 2012. We also met the leaders of the Malaysia Baptist Convention who also hosted us to dinner. Our thanks to John Kok and his church for their wonderful hospitality – free accommodation and many good meals.

- From Dec 12-13, I planned to attend 50th Anniversary of the India Baptist Women’s Union. I am so sorry that due to my passport problem that I missed this wonderful meeting.
From Dec 27-30 the 15th Asia Pacific Baptist Youth conference was held in Hong Kong. I was one of the evening speakers. Over 700 youth from Asia Pacific attended.

- In the beginning of 2010, I joined the BWA China Visit team to China from Jan 4-10. We were well received. We visited 4 cities and met the officers of CCC &TSPM. I also discussed with them about the visit of APBF on Aug 2010.

- On the year 2009, I made a very important decision that I will leave my position as General Secretary of Baptist Convention 0f Hong Kong which I have served for 13 year at the end of Feb 2010. After I told the Convention, I was called by Hong Kong Tai Po Baptist Church which ordained me when I served there March, 1986 - Sept, 1991. I will be serving as Senior Pastor from Oct 2010. This is a church that has 1700 Sunday worshippers and planning a building project of US$38.5 million. So I request you to remember me in prayer.


Rev. Dr. Chu Wood Ping
President, APBF



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