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“saya sangat heran karena kabupaten ini sangat maju dari kabupaten-kabupaten pegunungan lainnya saya sangat senang melihatnya, dan mungkin tahun-tahun kedepan kabupaten pegunungan Bintang ini akan menjadi kota terindah dan aman dipapua” Oksibil,22 Juni 2010.lihat:


“We can be a purpose-driven church. We can be a seeker-sensitive church. We can be an emergent and creative church. We can be a justice-and-peace church. We can be a conservative Calvinist church. But if we fail to hear the Holy Spirit of the living God, then all our serving will be futile and fruitless,”


Kesatuan mempunyai kekuatan, melebihi kekuatan senjata nuklir.Perlawanan apapun dalam perjuangan kebenaran, keadilan, persamaan derajat, penghormatan terhadap hak-hak asasi manusia, mutlak harus bersatu. Ketika bersatu dan melawan pasti ada hasil.


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Kesatuan-Melebihi Kekuatan Senjata Nuklir

Kesatuan mempunyai kekuatan, melebihi kekuatan senjata nuklir. By. Pares L.Wenda.
Perlawanan apapun dalam perjuangan kebenaran, keadilan, persamaan derajat, penghormatan terhadap hak-hak asasi manusia, mutlak harus bersatu. Ketika bersatu dan melawan pasti ada hasil.

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Home � BWA elected to board of United Nations body

BWA elected to board of United Nations body

United Nations General Assembly hall in New Yo...Image via Wikipedia

February 3, 2011
Washington (BWA)--The Baptist World Alliance (BWA) has been elected to the new board of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO).

CoNGO, formed in 1948, is an independent, international, nonprofit association of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Its mission is to facilitate the participation of NGOs in United Nations debates and decision making, and assists a wide variety of NGOs that are in consultative status with the UN.

The BWA, which has held consultative status with the UN since 1974, and has been a member of CoNGO for years, was one of 20 international NGOs elected to the new board's three-year term.

The organization fosters cooperation and dialogue among all NGOs and with groupings of NGOs related to the UN system; works on behalf of NGOs to develop and enhance their relationship and cooperation with the UN and its various organs; and provides a forum for NGOs with common interests to come together to study, plan, support and act on issues relating to the principles and programs of the UN and its network of agencies.

CoNGO, an active grassroots civil society organization within the UN system, plays an important role in the struggle to make more room for the presence and consideration of the interests of civil society in the UN decision making processes.

The election of the BWA to CoNGO's board enhances the presence of the BWA in the UN system, placing the BWA in a strategic position to promote its human rights concerns in collaboration with other representatives of the international community.

The elections were held during the 24th General Assembly of CoNGO in New York, which took place from January 17-19. BWA Director of Freedom and Justice Raimundo Barreto and Luiz Nascimento, BWA's representative at the UN in New York, attended the meetings.
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